About Me

I'm Garreth Tigwell, an Assistant Professor in the School of Information at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT).

My research interests cover design, accessibility, and human-computer interaction.

I have been primarily focused on improving the accessibility and usability of digital spaces by understanding and addressing challenges faced by novice and expert digital creators (e.g., mobile app and website designers).

Recently, I have been exploring the role of culture in accessible design, as well as adaptable design for customized experiences to improve accessibility and usability in both common scenarios (e.g., when using mobile apps) and novel scenarios (e.g., interaction on everyday textured surfaces when using mixed reality).

The work my students and I conduct is published at top-tier ACM conferences and journals such as ASSETS, CHI, CSCW, DIS, IMWUT, PACMHCI, and TACCESS. I have received best paper and honorable mention awards at MobileHCI 2022, CHI 2023, and CHI 2024.

I received my BSc in Psychology in 2012, MSc (with distinction) in User Experience Engineering in 2014, and PhD in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in 2019, all from the University of Dundee.

Want to work with me?

I'm always looking to work with new students and researchers so please drop me an email.